Tuesday, March 13, 2007

First Blog

Hello, my father and my sister can do this so can I.
Trevor just got back from Tommy Lakes, he went back to work on March 5 and hasn't had a day off since. He is very glad to be back at work and life is good. Kaylea isn't working at Mings Kitchen anymore and I think she will concentrate on babysitting for Merly which I think is a very good idea, she's only 14 after all. Kristin got 3rd in the science fair at school and will go to Dawson Creek in April. As for me I still love my job, I'm singing at church and am starting a slo-pitch team in May.


Amber said...

Wow, that is amazing, even a picture. I will have to put you on my friends and family list. Have a great day, glad to hear that you are all well.

Amber said...

Your father and your sister seem to have a better nack for keeping up on it though. I know that I'm not super regular, but I do try to post once a week and let you know what I am doing. With pictures. You should try it, it helps you think of taking pictures too.